The following is a true story, only the names have been changed, to protect the guilty.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Camp Out

 I managed to get five others to join me on Friday night for a camp out on the river bottoms. I wanted to do this last spring, but with the flooding lasting into June it would not happen until November. That was fine considering my only prerequisite was that all the mosquitoes were dead. The river bottoms are absolute hell when the mosquitoes are in full force. So three of us left my house around 7pm for a grueling 10.3 mile ride. Waiting ahead of us was none other than the "Legend",who we saw from the other side of the river on our way to the super top secret meeting place.
 Once at camp the others went to gather fire wood as I went to grab my hidden camping chair I had left there on Wednesday. I unfolded it and got the fire lit. Corky showed up soon after we got the fire rollin' and Otey made his appearance around 10:30. We all busted out the well deserved snacks and told stories until 11;30ish. I froze my balls off all night on account of an old crappy sleeping bag and had to piss since three in the morning but was too lazy and cold to get up.
View from inside my tent

Corky, Otey, GP, Vandy, The Legend, Death Rider 

Sweet Salvation
We broke camp around 8am and headed home. Vandy, GP and myself were so hungry and broken down from our incredibly long trek we stopped for breakfast on the fringes of civilization at Juniors for a good home cooked style breakfast, we just couldn't make the .04 miles to my house without refueling.  

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