Cathy, Chris, Kim, Dale, Dave, Death Rider
Six of us came out for the full moon paddle in the swamp. The PLAN, bring boats to secret predetermined hiding spot in daylight, meet at my house for BBQ and trip plan, leave house at 10 pm, park at gas station, ride to hidden boats, paddle said boats in swamp and observe full moon in unique suroundings, paddle back to bikes, hide boats,ride back, asleep by 2 am. I was very suprised that five others would agree to this sceme of mud, stinky water and posible theft of kayak and gear.
The water was very low so the route I had in mind would not be possible. We had fun anyway, we got into a large body of water and explored it, and the perimiter. The skies were somewhat cloudy but completely opened up for a short period of time. The experience was awesome, we all sat quitely and still, tring to take it all in. I have plans for another full moon stealth kayak ride that will be much longer and not be dependent on river levels.
Good riddle. I fear death water. Sauber