Both pause from racing for a quick picture
After spending many hours getting two sets of tires studded up for Lynn (wife) and myself ,the Penn Ice-Cycle Loppet would be a great test for my weary body and the new skins. After finishing the Arrowhead Ultra four days before I was ready for some super intense lung busting racing. (not) The race went well fortunately for me the third place guy flatted and I rode to a third place finish. yeah. Up next was Lynn, I managed to snap off a couple of pics at the start and the first few laps. I admit I chatted with friends for most of her race and missed the three crashes she took due to lack of sidewall studs in her tires. I did manage to see her finish 5th ,not bad for not riding since October.
The day was not over yet, now it was time to cruise back home and pick up the kiddies and bring them back for the Luminary Loppet. Having rented skis for the kids (all 3 of them) a few days before,I was leary as to whether we would make it five feet much less 5K . They did great, we practiced on Friday and by the time we hit the Luminary it was old hat for them. We made it around the lake much sooner than we thought. With that we had time to check out the snow sculptures and see if we could score some free hot chocolate. With the kids donning chocolate moustaches it was now around 10pm and time to head home. Exhausted from the days activities, it was a perfect day.
Hey Josh, this is Ryan Martin. Good to see you're still riding! Email me at I'd like to catch up with you some time.